
Reversals in Tarot

Accessing the multiplicity of archetypes

This month I’m offering a mini lesson on tarot reversals and archetypes for paid subscribers. Upgrade now to watch the video (and enjoy other perks likes discounts on 1:1 sessions and submitting Q&A inquires). Or, purchase the class directly here.

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Discover the role archetypes play in understanding tarot reversals

Every tarot card holds a multiplicity of potential meanings and insights. In practice, this can be difficult to access, leading to simplistic or reductive ways of interpreting the cards. Working with reversals is one way to tap into this richness and add depth and nuance.

This mini lesson serves as a bridge to enhance understanding of reversals through the fundamental principles of archetypes while providing several approaches to integrate this technique into your tarot practice.

In this video, we cover:

  • Understanding the archetypal nature of tarot.

  • Exploring core Jungian principles of archetypes.

  • Three methods for interpreting reversals.

  • A reading practice to hone your skills in interpreting reversed cards.

After watching the video, I invite you to join me in the comments for discussion, to ask questions and explore your reading.

This post is for paid subscribers